德微 (3675-TW) 今 (28) 日召開股東會,董事長張恩傑表示,今年 6 月正式併購達爾 (DIOD-US) 基隆廠,營收會正式併入公司,尤其該廠專注生產高電壓、大電流的閘流體(Thyristor),競爭對手屈指可數,預計將搶進綠能與車用領域。
德微 (3675) 完成併購達爾基隆晶圓廠,朝銳變成為車用與AI時代IDM廠邁大步,德微董事長張恩傑表示,基隆晶圓廠擁有4吋、5吋及最大宗的6吋產能,搭配自有封測產線,未來可生產更高階的車用電子,以及AI伺服器所需的保護元件晶片,公司目標是3到5年內車用產品占比達30%以上,隨著小訊號產品於年底量產,可望讓德微營收及毛利率躍入新境界。
德微5日暫停交易,並由德微董事長張恩傑 (左)、達爾全球營運長虞凱行 (中)、德微執行副總朱鴻鈞 (右) 在櫃買中心召開重大訊息說明會,宣布擬斥資不超過新台幣8億元併母公司達爾的基隆廠。
值此聖誕佳節及歡樂新年來臨之際 恭祝您闔府 平安 健康 喜樂幸福
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Christmas is coming soon, with a grateful mood, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and thanks to you, thank you for all your support during these years. On behalf of ERIS Corp., I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let us always work together to achieve new milestones.
The Ministry of Education announced the 110th academic years subsidy for the "Five Years College Program". Jing-Xiang Xu, a chemical and materials student who is from Longhua University of Science and Technology, received a life scholarship, internship opportunities and post-graduation job vacancies sponsored by Eris Tech. News are in the mainstream and official media disclosed and rushed to report.
Eris Tech would like to offer the most sincere respect.
Eris Tech., has passed the VDA 6.3 audit certification by DIODES
Warm up the atmosphere! Be excited and celebrate Dragon Boat Festival with this animation.
Wishing you happiness and celebrations on the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival.......... May you enjoy this festive occasion with your loved ones. ❤️ ❤️
Eris Tech. established an industry-academia collaboration relationship with LHU.