Board of Directiors

Board of Directiors

Title Name Gender Date Elected Education
Chairman Jonathan Chang Male 2023/10/15
  • EMBA , National Taiwan University
  • Chairman & President, ERIS Technology Corporation
  • Chairman & President, Yea Shin Technology CO., LTD
Director Diodes Holdings UK Limited NA 2023/10/15 Diodes Inc.(NASDAQ) 100% Shareholders
Diodes Holdings UK Limited Representative:
Yu, Kai-Hsing
Male 2023/10/15
  • Bachelor degree in MIS from Fu-Jen University, Taiwan,
  • Master degree in Telecommunication Engineering, Southern Methodist University
  • MBA, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Senior Vice President, Business Groups at Diodes Inc.
  • Vice President, Worldwide Sales at Lite-On Semiconductor Corp. and at Texas Instruments in finance and capacity planning positions.
Diodes Holdings UK Limited Representative: Hwang, Wen-Chad Female 2023/10/15
  • Bachelor degree in Economics from Soochow University
  • Master degree in Technology Management, National Chengchi University
Diodes Holdings UK Limited Representative: Lai, Miao-Yin Female 2023/10/15
  • Bachelor & Master degree from Professional Accounting from UT Austin
  • CFA, US
Independent Director Jackie Ding Female 2023/10/15
  • Master Degree in Accounting, National Chengchi University
  • Vice President of Administration, Simplo Co., Ltd. ( Retirement)
  • Associate of Operation Headquarters in Asia, Philips Semiconductors
Independent Director Kun Shan Lin Male 2023/10/15
  • Phd Degree in Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico
  • Vice President, Texas Instruments ( Retirement )
  • Senior Consultant, Nuvoton Technology Corporation ( Retirement )
Independent Director Tan, Xiao Guang Male 2023/10/15
  • Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
  • Master Degree in Electrical Engineering, Southern Methodist University
  • Vice President, Texas Instruments (Retirement)
  • Vice President of Administration, Diodes Incorporated (Retirement)

Board Diversity and Independence:

(1) Policy on Diversity of Board Members

The company's directors adopt a nomination system for candidates. The term of office is three years and the shareholders' meeting select candidates from the list of candidates. The company's board of directors is responsible to the shareholders' meeting, and exercises its functions and powers in accordance with the company law, the company's articles of association, or the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting for various operations and arrangements related to the corporate governance system. The board of directors of the company meets once a quarter. The board of directors is organized by all directors, and more than two-thirds of the directors are present and more than half of the directors’ present agree to elect a chairman. The chairman is the chairman of the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors internally, and represents the company externally. The resolutions of the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors shall implement all the affairs of the company.

The structure of the board of directors of the company, according to the needs of the company's operating structure and future development trends, formulates a policy of diversification of board members. For example, with different professional backgrounds, work fields or genders, to achieve the ideal goal of corporate governance, the board of directors should have the following abilities: 1. Operational judgment , 2. Accounting and financial analysis, 3. Operation management, 4. Crisis resolution, 5. Industry knowledge, 6. International market view, 7. Leadership, 8. Decision-making and other professional abilities.

As from the above, the members of the board of directors of the company are professionals with rich business management, leadership decision-making and industry knowledge, and financial/accounting and industry-related knowledge. They hope to accept opinions and maximize the value of corporate governance. Among the seven current members of the board of directors of the company, three of them are female directors, accounting for 43% of all directors. This fully demonstrates the spirit of corporate governance and gender equality. The company continues to strive to implement the diversification of governance units. Please refer to the table below for details:

(2) Independence of the board of directors:

The company's board of directors consists of seven directors (including three independent directors), and independent directors account for 43% of all directors and supervisors. None of the directors and independent directors has a spouse or relative within the second degree, which meets the requirements of Article 26-3, Item 3 and Item 4 of the Securities Exchange Act.


Board meeting attendance:

Number of the Borad meetings held since Oc.15,2020 till now: 6 times
Title Name Attendance in Person By proxy Attendance rate in Person
董事長 張恩傑 6 0 100
董事 Diodes Holding B.V.
6 0 100
董事 Diodes Holding B.V.
6 0 100
董事 Diodes Holding B.V.
6 0 100
獨立董事 丁惠敏 6 0 100
獨立董事 林坤山 6 0 100
獨立董事 譚小廣 6 0 100


Item Download
2024 Director's Resolutions
2023 Director's Resolutions
2022 Director's Resolutions
2021 Director's Resolutions
2020 Director's Resolutions
10904 Director's Resolutions
10804 Director's Resolutions
10704 Director's Resolutions
10604 Director's Resolutions
10504 Director's Resolutions
10404 Director's Resolutions
10304 Director's Resolutions
10204 Director's Resolutions
10104 Director's Resolutions

Training situation

112 Training situation:

Title Name Date Organizer Class Name Total hours
董事長 張恩傑 112/10/16 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務
法人董事代表 虞凱行 112/10/15 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務
法人董事代表 黃文昭 112/10/15 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務
獨立董事 丁惠敏 112/10/15 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務
獨立董事 林坤山 112/10/15 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務
獨立董事 譚小廣 112/10/15 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A. 5G新興發展所帶來的投資契機
B. 新版公司治理藍圖下國際稅務趨勢議題解析與因應實務

108 Training situation:

職稱 姓名 日期 主辦單位 課程名稱 總計時數
董事長 張恩傑 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
法人董事代表 余玉書 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
法人董事代表 賴妙音 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
法人董事代表 黃文昭 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
獨立董事 丁惠敏 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
獨立董事 林坤山 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6
獨立董事 周本宜 108/10/25 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.區塊鏈的原理與應用B.經濟實質法施行及全球反避稅下,企業及個人的因應對策 6

107 Training situation:

Title Name Date Organizer Class Name Total hours
董事長 張恩傑 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
法人董事代表 余玉書 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
法人董事代表 賴妙音 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
法人董事代表 黃文昭 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
獨立董事 丁惠敏 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
獨立董事 林坤山 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6
獨立董事 周本宜 107/10/19 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 A.企業稅務管理實務解析B.運用董事會自我評鑑制度強化公司治理 6