Shareholders/ Investors |
- Financial Performance
- Company Governance
- Integrity and anti-corruption
- Sustainable strategies and vision
- Information security
- Shareholders' Meeting convened(each year)
- Investor Conferences convened(Irregular)
- Quarterly financial report and annual report(Quarterly/ every year )
- Investor mailbox(permanent)
- Company’s website and Market Observation Post System(permanent)
- Eris technology corporation sustainability report(every year)
- Contact window:IR Ms.Chiu
- Convene a shareholders’ meeting
- Invited to participate in four analyst conference
- The sustainability report reporting cycle is once a year.
- Set up a dedicated information security chief officer and manager
- The company's major information is disclosed on the Public Information Observation systems and submitted in Chinese and English versions.
Employees |
- Operating Performance
- Information security
- Human rights, diversity and inclusion
- Talent cultivation and career development
- Labor-management meeting (quarterly)
- Employee Welfare Committee (quarterly)
- Employee performance Review Committee(Half year)
- Year-end meeting Employee symposium (every year)
- Employee Proposal Reward(any time)
- Employee suggestion box (any time)
- Contact window:HR Ms. Lei
- Convened 4 labor-management meetings and employee welfare committee
- Convened 2 personnel review committees
- Convene 1 year-end meeting (all employees participate)
- 100% response rate for employee satisfaction survey
- In line with the functional development map, a total of 901 people completed professional training for a total of 2,091 hours
- Regularly implement safety and health education training, with 451 people completing the training, totaling 1,076 hours
Customer |
- Information security
- Quality and Customer Service
- Sustainable Supply Chain
- Water Resource Management
- Customer satisfaction survey(every year)
- Marketing business、Customer services、QA department contact(permanent)
- Customer questionnaire, Customer audit(Occasional)
- Official website of the company, customer service email (permanent)
- Contact window:Customer Service Dpt. Mr. Huang
- Comply with customer’s conflict minerals policy
- During 2022, the Company had no complaints of infringement of customer privacy or loss of customer information.
- The company has a clear "Customer Handling Procedure" as the process and principles for handling customer complaints.
- Because the work or position involves specific business secrets, a separate agreement for specific employees/specific project personnel will be signed and archived in the company management system.
Suppliers/ Contractors |
- Integrity and anti-corruption
- Sustainable strategies and vision
- Information security
- Quality and Product Service
- Sustainable Supply Chain
- Procurement, QA, ESH Department Contact window(permanent)
- Suppler Audit(Irregular)
- Official website of the company(permanent)
- Issue-related documentation(permanent)
- Conduct supplier audits from time to time
- Suppliers and contractors have no actual or foreseeable major negative impacts on the environment, labor conditions, human rights, society, etc. in 2022.
- Require suppliers to refuse to use conflict minerals produced and exported from conflict areas and sign a conflict-free mineral commitment letter to the company.
- Our suppliers are required to manage their upstream and downstream suppliers and must comply with conflict-free mineral requirements.
Government Agencies |
- Corporate Governance
- Legal Compliance
- Hamann rights protection
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Climate change and Carbon management
- Water management and Waste management
- Comply with the regulations of the compliance authorities(Irregular)
- Official Document(Occasional)
- Regulatory audit conducted by competent authorities(Irregular)
- Visit to competent authorities for exchange of opinions(Irregular)
- Contact window:PR Ms.Chiu
- The ranking of the OTC category in the 9th Corporate Governance Assessment was in the range of 21% to 35%
- No violation records in 2022
- The sustainability report reporting cycle is once a year
- Cooperate with the Financial Supervisory Commission's planning of the sustainable legal development roadmap for listed companies to formulate the greenhouse gas inventory schedule of the company and its subsidiaries.